1/8th of a Beef

1/8th of a Beef

Approximately 50 lbs

Our 1/8th of a beef box is exactly what it sounds like - the same mix of cuts that you would get out of a whole beef but only an 1/8th of it so you don't have to go out and buy a new freezer to fit it! If you're trying to plan out exactly how much freezer room you'll need, this package will require close to 1.5 cubic feet of room.


  • 20-25% steaks (mostly prime grilling steaks like bone in ribeyes and t-bones but some marinating steaks like flank too)
  • 25-30% roasts (default sizing is between 2 and 4 lb but if you have a preference let us know)
  • 40% ground beef
  • 10% other cuts (short ribs, stew, stirfry strips)

Approximate box weight is 50 lb.