By purchasing beef in the form of a half or whole beef you get the most bang for your buck. However, it is a bulk purchase and is much different than selecting one package of steaks to buy for dinner tonight. If a half beef is too much for your family, a half can be split into quarters for you and a friend! Another option is our standard quarter.
Signing up for our newsletter is your best bet to reserve a half or whole beef. Bulk beef will be available first to our newsletter subscribers and then advertised on social media on a first come, first serve basis. We butcher animals every four to eight weeks and custom halves and whole beef are only available at this time. Run out of beef and waiting for the next time we butcher? Try a box of beef or a standard cut quarter to tide you over.
Our half and whole beef are sold on hanging weight which is the weight of the carcass in the butcher's cooler. All of our beef is dry aged for a minimum of 14 days to provide a tender and flavourful product.
Each individual animal is unique. Hanging weight, and therefore take home weight, will vary depending on the age, size, sex and breed of the animal among other factors. Your take home weight is approximately 65% of the hanging weight depending on your cutting instructions. For example, requesting boneless steaks will reduce your take home weight compared to ordering rib and t-bone steaks.
The size of the halves available will vary between 325 lb and 450 lb with smaller halves available November to March and larger halves available April to October.
Jackknife Creek Beef is sold as a half and whole beef and the price is charges by hanging weight. Customers have the option of supplying custom cutting instructions including thickness of steaks, size of roasts and type of cuts.
We'll walk you through the process and explain the different cut options. Or you can use our standard cutting instructions.
A $200 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of ordering with the balance to be paid at the time of delivery. The price for a half or whole beef is $6.75/lb hanging. This price includes all butcher fees and standard cut and wrap.